Creating value from silicone

Silicone is widely used in daily life and high-tech industries thanks to
its excellent resistance to heat and cold stress, eco-friendliness and being harmless to the human body.


The Answer Lies in Systematic Communication with the Field 2024-02-02
※ This article is a summary of the content published in the Safety and Health Agency Newsletter (Feb. 2024 issue). To read the full article, please click on the link below.

KCC Silicone Daejuk Plant EHS Division 
'Safety' is a challenge for every company. The reason why companies contemplate what they need to do to establish more sophisticated safety systems and seek change is to ensure safety. KCC Silicone Daejuk Plant EHS Division has shifted its perspective from 'What more should we do?' to 'Why isn't what we committed to for safety being properly executed?' in order to secure competence in process safety. The key to this change in perspective is the 'field.' KCC Silicone Daejuk Plant EHS Division is actively creating a safe environment by communicating with and involving field workers.

Safeguarding the Safety of Korea's Largest Organic Silicone Company, KCC Silicone
KCC Silicone, Korea's largest organic silicone company possesses world-class silicone technology and prioritizes safety. The Daejuk Plant is the hub of organic silicone production, focusing on strengthening safety systems and worker safety awareness to create a safe environment.

Shining through Field-Centric Health and Safety Activities 
The Daejuk Plant prioritizes safety and fosters a safe environment through field-centric health and safety activities. By accepting and implementing worker feedback to improve safety systems, they enhance the safety of the field. As a result of their efforts, the Daejuk Plant has been recognized as an excellent safety management case, receiving top honors. Through field participation and communication, they are building a safe working environment.

Workers as Agents of Change, Building a Safe Environment Together 
Workers are actively participating as agents of change in building a safe work environment. The Daejuk Plant emphasizes communication with field workers and creates an environment where safety-related feedback can be freely provided. Communication extends to safety decisions, involving worker participation in even minor decisions such as the selection of protective equipment. These efforts have led to improved compliance with protective gear usage and a decrease in accident rates. Furthermore, the Daejuk Plant is preparing various programs to enhance safety in 2024 and will continue to work with workers to create a safe working environment in the future.